As is typical with installing anything in cygwin,
CRM114 took some tweaking to get
it to install properly. The CRM114 Discriminator is a "Controllable Regex Mutilator"
according to their website. In engilish it is an complex and interesting tool to
"examine incoming e-mail, system log streams, data files or other data streams,
and to sort, filter, or alter the incoming files or data streams according to the
user's wildest desires." Mostly it is used to sort spam.
Anyway, here is what I needed to do to install crm114 under cygwin. I used
the 20040231-BlameYokohama version of CRM114. First, get the libiconv,
and procmail
from cygwin. Then get the Mew
from (I used version 3.3.) Install
mew-3.3 with cd bin && ./configure && make && make install
. This will
give you mewdecode
and mewencode
. From the CRM114 package
cd into tre
directory and install with
./configure && make && make install
. Now, back in the main CRM114 dir,
edit the Makefile to add the following lines somewhere after the initial definitions.
CFLAGS += -I/usr/local/include
LDFLAGS += -L/usr/local/lib
LIBS += -lintl -liconv
Finally, add $(LDFLAGS)
to each of the compiliation step for the
utilities (cssdiff, cssmerge, cssutil). It should look something like this:
cssutil: cssutil.c crm114.h crm114_structs.h crm114_config.h crm114_sysincludes.h
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c cssutil.c -o cssutil.o
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) cssutil.o -static -lm -ltre -o cssutil
Now run make
and you should get everything compiled and left in
the current directory.